At St. Ann Classical Academy, we prioritize critical thinking and a pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness in our classical education.
The Quadrivium (arithmetic, music, geometry, astronomy) and the Trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric) make up the seven classical liberal arts of antiquity. This is the education that great minds of the past such as Plato, Aristotle, and Saint Thomas Aquinas would have received.The Quadrivium is the study of arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy. These four disciplines observed the laws of the natural world. Mathematics, more than any other subject, builds upon the previous layers of knowledge. The Quadrivium naturally recognizes that and establishes a systematic approach to learning that forms the student's mind gradually over time by building on the progress made previously.
Ancient philosophers sought wisdom as the highest virtue. Wisdom to the ancient Romans and Greeks was more than simply a body of knowledge to be learned or sound decision making, it was the ability to understand deeply the order and harmony of the natural world around them. The unchanging truth of mathematics allowed ancient philosophers to understand the universe through the natural laws thaat govern the physical world.
However, the ancient Greeks and Roman philosophers could only understand truth to a certain point through natural reason. Christianity eventually perfected wisdom through grace and divine revelation, bridging the final gap between man and the divine. The Quadrivium, centered in a Christian worldview, allows us to know and love God more deeply through the study of His created world. Every law of nature and observation of the natural world gives us a tiny glimpse into the divine. In a sense, the seven classical liberal arts form the mind to better understand God through revelation written in Sacred Scripture as well as the Natural Law that is written on our hearts.